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Reverse Cycling
By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC
Source : Kellymom 

What is reverse cycling?
Reverse cycling is when baby nurses frequently at night and less frequently during the day.
 Why do some babies reverse cycle?
  • Newborns may reverse cycle in the early days or weeks simply because they have their days and nights mixed up.
  • Distractible (and/or very active) babies or toddlers may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions during the day.
  • If mom is very distracted or busy during the day, baby may nurse more at night to make up for missed or shortened nursing sessions, or simply to get more uninterrupted time with mom.
  • If mom is away from baby during the day, baby may take just enough milk (by bottle or cup) to "take the edge off" his hunger, then wait for mom to return to get the bulk of his calories. Baby will typically nurse more often and/or longer than usual once mom returns. Some mothers encourage reverse cycling so they won't need to pump as much milk. Reverse cycling is common for breastfed babies who are away from mom part of the day, especially those just starting out with the bottle.
 Tips for handling reverse cycling
General coping tips for interrupted sleep:
  • Sleep late or go to bed early when possible. When you're at home with baby, nap when your baby naps.
  • Keep baby as close as possible during the night to maximize sleep for everyone. Some options are to have baby in bed with you, in a bed adjoining your bed, or in a bed in the same room.
If your newborn has days and nights mixed up:
  • During the day, keep the lights on and go on with your normal daytime activities -- don't keep things dark and quiet where baby is sleeping. Play with and talk to baby during waking times. Wake baby to nurse every 2-3 hours.
  • During baby's night wakings, keep everything calm, quiet, and dark (if you need a light to breastfeed, try using a smaller light like a nightlight or closet light). At some point you may want to begin a bedtime routine (such as bath, story, breastfeeding) to signal that nighttime has begun.
When mom is busy or distracted:
  • Consider using a sling or other baby carrier so that baby can be with you and breastfeed while you go about your day.
  • Be aware of baby's typical breastfeeding routine, and remember to watch for baby's cues on busy days -- this is easiest when baby is close by.
  • Be aware that after a really busy day (we all have them!), your child may need some one-on-one time with mom to breastfeed and reconnect.
If your baby is distractible, see The Distractible Baby for tips. Do babies under 12 months self-wean? has additional tips for distractible older babies.
If baby is reverse cycling and taking very little milk when mom is away at work:
  • Be patient. Try not to stress about it. Consider it a compliment - baby prefers you!
  • Use small amounts of expressed milk per bottle so there is less waste.
  • If you're worrying that baby can't go that long without more milk, keep in mind that some babies sleep through the night for 8 hours or so without mom needing to worry that baby is not eating during that time period. Keep an eye on wet diapers and weight gain to assure yourself that baby is getting enough milk.
  • Ensure that baby has ample chance to nurse when you're together.
  • If you prefer to pump less milk while you're away from baby, you may choose to encourage baby to reverse cycle.

Artikel di atas mmg berkaitan dgn anak ku Hadif. aku rasa aku boleh consider hadif as a reverse cycle baby. Dia memang tak pernah habiskan bekalan EBM di taska. Dah la aku cuma bekalkan 5 botol x 2.5oz je setiap hari, itu pon boleh berbaki 2 or 3 botol. meaning that maximum amaun EBM yg dia minum di taska cuma 7.5oz. dari jam 6.45am aku tinggalkan, sampai la kol 5pm nenek dia amek dari taska. 11 jam cuma minum 7oz. Tiga minggu terawal ni, memang aku susah hati. bila fikir dia tak minum susu.
Cikgu dia kata, dia makan banyak dan minum air suam. Hati aku lega, sebab fikir dia kenyang dengan makanan dan air suam. Tp kembali susah hati, sebab kenapa dia prefer air suam daripada EBM. Apalah sangat khasiat air suam tu compare ngn EBM yang mama dok express hari-hari kt opis. Nasib baik jugak, bila nenek dah amek dari taska, dia paksa jugak hadif abeskan at least satu botol lagi susu sementara tunggu aku nak balik.
Puncanya, dia masih tak reti bottlefeed. mungkin dia tak suka dgn teat botol. Ada kawan suggest pakai teat latex instead of silicon. dia kata mmg ada baby tak suka silicon teat. will try. semalam mmg pegi kedai runcit sbb nk carik latex teat, sekali dh sampai kedai, tak ingat pulak. hampes!
and then bila aku read thru the article, aku rasa agak lega gakla sbb mmg aku boleh consider hadif reverse cycler. start aku balik dari kerja, terus dia kejar-kejar mama dia ni mintak nenen (termasuk kakak hannah sekali). walaupon, nenek kata dia dah kenyang sebab baru je minum susu and makan bubur..bila aku offer direct feeding, tak penah dia menolak. minum macam lapar je lagaknya. itu sesi pertama.
lepas aku solat, mandi dan makan malam..main-main kejap anak beranak. dalam kol 9.30pm, nenen lg utk sesi tidur pulak..sepanjang mlm, dia akan mintak nenen  at least 3 kali (last one kol 4.30am). So dia cukup kenyang sepanjang malam. dan mayb sebab itu lah dia malas nk minum EBM. dah la thru bottle, lagi la dia tak minat. like the artikel said, he prefers his mom!
I really dont mind nenenkan dia memalam sbb sekarang ni dh consider terer gak la nenenkan sambil baring, or even tertidur sekali. dah tak risau-risau macam dulu pon, takut terhimpit blabla..dan memang bila together aku akan susukan hadif (kakak nya juga) sekerap yg mungkin. tp tu la kan, sekarang ni sbb byk gak masa free layan anak-anak je sebab duduk ngn nenek sekali. next month dah pindah, mungkin akan berperang gak la ngn anak-anak dan kerja rumah..huh!
dan walaupon hadif reverse cycler, aku tetap akan pam kt opis 3x to maintain my milk supply. boleh buat stok banyak-banyak.

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